Here’s the fun bit about feeding cats! It’s all about making eating more challenging, fun, physically and mentally stimulating for your cat. It really doesn’t have to be difficult, arduous or time-consuming, and can hugely increase your cat’s contentedness, and reduce boredom and obesity. Feeding enrichment should ALWAYS be part of a long-term plan for indoor cats and those needing to lose weight.
The main aim is to get your cat WORKING for his/her food! Essentially, all that’s required is several small meals, that require physical and/or mental activity in order to obtain the food. A reminder that your cat is a HUNTER – obtaining food should involve finding it, stalking/chasing it, and finally succeeding in obtaining it.
The easiest solution is puzzle feeders. There are now a variety available to buy, but you can also be imaginative and make your own. Your cat has to figure out how to access the food, as well as having to be patient and get multiple small rewards instead of a whole bowlful at a time! The time your cat spends obtaining food is increased, your cat is more active and alert, and the use of such mental stimulation reduces boredom, and promotes relaxation and confidence.
Another smaller simple feeding puzzle is a feeding ball, such as the SlimCat Ball – a cheap and easy way of feeding a cat, the ball will last for ages and can be washed as needed – a sound investment for any cat owner!